Happy Sprinkles! Day! Really. I think it's pretty safe to say that sprinkles are one of the happiest things in all the world. They're on the same level as glitter… except they're edible. So, they automatically win. I'm always up for the addition of sprinkles and fully believe that they can make even the worst of days just a little bit better. Which is why I'd imagine an entire book about sprinkles and the amazing things you can do with them would easily be a best seller. And I hope it is. Because Jackie Alper's new book, Sprinkles!: Recipes and Ideas for Rainbowlicious Desserts, is out today. My fabulous friends at Quirk not only sent me the book, but they invited me to be a part of the Rainbow Sprinkles Blog Tour. An offer that I giddily accept. The book goes on sale today and I'm kicking things off with RED.
Before I tell you about my recipe, I have to show you Jackie's book. Doesn't just the cover make you swoon? Hello.
Basically, I want to make everything in it. I got a major dose of inspiration and went a little crazy every time I saw any type of red sprinkles anywhere:
And I ended up using them all in this recipe. I decided to make a red sprinkles crazy cupcake. And since sprinkles are so sweet and fun, I thought an angel food would be perfect as the cake. And a super light marshmallow meringue frosting. I was torn on whether or not to apply Martha Stewart's hi-hat shell method to the cupcakes and, so, decided to do it to half of them. But I liked the way the simply frosted ones looked best. Really, though, the cake was so awesome, it didn't even need frosting. What am I talking about though… everything needs frosting. And sprinkles.
Angel Foods Sprinkles Cupcakes (makes 30-36 cupcakes):Print this recipe!
- 1 C sifted cake flour
- 1 ½ C sifted confectioners sugar
- ¼ t salt
- 12 large egg whites, room temperature
- 1 ½ t cream of tartar
- 1 C granulated sugar
- 2 t vanilla
- ½ C red sprinkles (I used "jimmy style)
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
Sift flour, confectioner sugar, and salt together on a piece of wax or parchment paper. Make sure you sift as this will help your cake become nice and light and fluffy!
In a stand mixer with whisk attachment (or large bowl with hand mixer), whisk egg whites until they're nice and frothy.
Then add the cream of tartar and continue beating at medium speed until soft peaks form.
At this point, you'll want to slowly beat in the granulated sugar and continue to beat until the mixture is thickened and soft peaks form again. the vanilla.
And then gently fold in the flour/confectioner sugar mixture into the egg whites in 3 different batches. Be sure to incorporate fully, but without over-mixing. Stir in sprinkles, too.
Line cupcake tins with papers. And fill with batter almost all the way to the top.
And bake at 350 degrees for about 17-19 minutes, until the cupcakes are just beginning to turn golden.
Let cool in the pan for a few minutes before moving to a rack to cool completely.
You can start on the frosting while the cupcakes are cooling.
Marshmallow Meringue Frosting (makes enough to frost 36 cupcakes):
Adapted from Martha Stewart
Print this recipe!
- 2 ½ C granulated sugar
- 6 large egg whites, room temperature
- ½ C water
- ½ t cream of tartar
- 1 ½ T vanilla extract
- Red sprinkles (I used both a crystal sugar and a sanding sugar)
In a large bowl with a hand mixer, combine egg whites, sugar, water, and cream of tartar and whisk until frothy (alternately, you could do this in your stand mixer, just note the next step is to place the bowl of egg whites over a pan of simmering water).
Place bowl or a pan of simmering water (told you) and continue to whisk until the sugar is dissolved. If you want to make sure your eggs are cooked fully, be certain to whisk until mixture reaches 160 degrees. If you're less concerned, just be sure the mixture is warm to the touch.
Now, in a stand mixer with whisk attachment, beat the frosting on high speed until stiff peaks are formed. This will likely take about 10-15 minutes. Add vanilla and beat to combine.
I decided to mix my sprinkles in to the frosting, but quickly realized they were just turning the frosting red instead of nicely mixing in. So, I stopped and figured I'd just sprinkle them on after frosting the cupcakes.
So, I did. I piped the frosting on to the cupcakes in a nice swirled manner… it reminded me of soft serve ice cream. With red sprinkles on top.
I mentioned earlier that I put a candy coating on some of the cupcakes, a la Martha Stewart's hi-hat method. However, I don't think my frosting was quite stiff enough and I didn't love the way the coating looked.
Especially next to the simply frosted ones.
But I do love the way they look when you slice into the cupcake. And, I mean, they taste pretty fabulous, too (for the instructions, look on Martha's website).
It's a red sprinkles heaven! See? I used all three types of red sprinkles in and on these cupcakes because the more, the better. Also, I don't think I've ever made a cupcake recipe without an ounce of butter in it. Huh. Do sprinkles trump butter? I think maybe.
This, my friends, is my philosophy on life.
I really did love the angel food cupcake base. It was light and fluffy and pretty much just melt in your mouth. That combined with the lighter frosting made me feel like these cupcakes weren't oh so bad for me.
So, I ate 10. Maybe not. But maybe. I'm not telling… It was a long weekend, after all.
Can we talk about some of the fun stuff in Sprinkles! for a minute? Besides the cover, which you already know is the most amazing thing ever.
To start, I Heart Sprinkles Butter. Yes. Butter. Why have I never thought to put sprinkles in butter? And since I didn't use any butter in my cupcakes, I think I so deserve a batch of this. Yes? I kind of just want to make it so I can display it out on my counter.
You all know how I feel about my cocktails and this is one of the prettiest sprinkles rims I've ever seen.
You also may remember my experimentation with rock candy. I pretty much said I'd never make it again. But rock candy with sprinkles? I'm starting to re-think everything. I can give it one more go, right?
What else? There's a Confetti Popcorn Cake, Hot Chocolate Stir Sticks, Gingersnap Cookie Butter, Happy Day Pancakes, and so much more!
And now it's your turn! I figured you might want to experience the joy of Sprinkles!, too, so I thought it would be fun to give away a copy of the book.
If you win, you have to promise me you'll make the sprinkles butter. Please??
All you have to do to enter, is promise. I'm just kidding. To enter, just leave a comment on this post letting me know what your favorite dessert is to add sprinkles to. Or cocktail. Or heck, even savory food. Leave a comment by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 18. Oh, and if you want a couple extra entries, follow WANM on Twitter and "like" WANM on Facebook. Just be sure you comment letting me know!
If you want to follow along on the Rainbow Sprinkles Blog Tour, be sure to check out the other bloggers participating each Tuesday! They are:
Baked Bree- 10/22
KitchenKonfidence- 10/29
Bake or Break-11/5
Girl Meets Kitchen- 11/12
Cherry Tea Cakes- 11/19
Roundup on QuirkBooks.com and Jackie Alper's website- 11/26
Have a happy Sprinkles-filled day!
Disclaimer: Quirk Books provided me with a copy of Sprinkles!
for review, but as usual, all opinions are my own!
Leah | So, How's It Taste? says
Love this so much and I have to get those cupcake liners! I'd go for the sprinkle-rimmed cocktail as my favorite.
Kristi says
Inside sugar cookies is one of my favorite places to hide sprinkles!
Rebecca C says
I love sprinkles in everything. Cupcakes, cookies. Want to try them in cinnamon rolls like I saw on pinterest too.
Pam says
Wow! They look so tasty and pretty.
Erin W says
Cupcakes are made for sprinkles.. at least that's my motto.
Molly says
Ice cream cones taste so much better with sprinkles.
Gia Grossman says
I'll take sprinkles on everything and anything please! These cupcakes are pretty and the book looks so fun!
Michelle Lahey says
That cookbook looks so fun. Sprinkles really do make everything better!
Jersey Girl Cooks says
Cool fun book! I add sprinkles and whipped cream to my kids waffles in the morning. They think it's the best thing.
KL says
I love sprinkles on frozen fat free vanilla yogurt
Rachel says
Amazing cover! I love sprinkles on sugar cookies.
Rachel says
and I follow on Twitter, obvi. 🙂
Alison says
We like to spread frosting on a sugar cookie then dip it in sprinkles!
Odetta says
What lovely cupcakes! I always out sprinkles on my ice cream!
Odetta says
Following you on Twitter and Facebook of course!
Courtney says
The sprinkles butter sounds like a great party addition! I love adding crunchy sprinkles to soft serve ice cream or pudding for a much needed texture 🙂
Lexi says
This is the prettiest cookbook I've ever seen, and I am positive that I need it for happiness!
I add sprinkles (though, as a New Englander, I call them jimmies...) to my brownies a lot, both inside and on top! So fun!
Nicole @ Young, Broke and Hungry says
Sprinkles deserve to get thrown into everything possible! They bring such a dose of happiness.
Lexi says
And of course, I follow you on twitter!
Lexi says
And I like you on facebook too!
Monica Lavoie says
Ice Cream!
Tam says
Christmas sugar cookies - all colors
Elin says
I make a "Holy Cow" cake for my church dinners. It's just a chocolate marbled cake but with black, brown and white cow sprinkles.
Sarah says
That cookbook looks like so much fun! My favorite is to hide sprinkles in pancakes for a birthday surprise. Nothing wrong with a little dessert for breakfast! And of course decorating sugar cookies with as many different color sprinkles as I can find!
Sarah says
Follow you on Facebook too!
Betty says
Sprinkles make me happy. 🙂 Love them on cookies and on cupcakes, but I don't like them on ice cream.
Betty says
I'm a follower on Twitter.
Kitchen Belleicious says
who doesn;t love sprinkles! These are darling! I follow you on facebook!
Melissa says
I love putting sprinkles in my blondies and brownies!
LisaR. says
I have been on a cupcake quest after finding your blog! I LUV Sprinkles on cookies and cupcakes. I follow u on Twitter and FB. Tx for sharing all the great photos! : )
Tandy | Lavender and Lime says
what fun! and the book looks amazing. I have to tell you I love your cup cake tin - so clever 🙂
Vicky says
I love sprinkles on my ice cream!
Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl says
I am loving these cupcakes, but I am also loving that cover of the book - how colorful and fun!
Ashley Bee (Quarter Life Crisis Cuisine) says
Um, these look freaking HEAVENLY. I need to make some! And this book... wow 🙂
Asmita says
Love these sprinkle cupcakes. So adorable!
Margot C says
WE doesn't love sprinkles! I like them on my frozen yogurt.
Margot C says
^ above ^ meant to be "Who doesn't love ..." ::sheesh::
Margot C says
I follow you on Twitter where I am @AnnaZed
Margot C says
I "like" you on Facebook where I am Margot Core.
Joanne says
I want to shove those in my face. All in one awesome bite.
Beth says
I'd definitely add sprinkles to vanilla cake - actually, vanilla anything!
Marita says
On sugar cookies at Christmas!!
Chelai says
I love to add sprinkles to cake, specifically the icing.
Laura Dembowski says
These cupcakes are gorgeous! I love marshmallow frosting and anything with sprinkles!
Linda says
I loce to add red sugar sprinkles to the rim of a comso. decadent!
The Peace Patch says
Rolling the edges of ice cream sandwiches in rainbow sprinkles is my fave and it always thrills the socks off my little nephew...he loves them! 🙂