If you love Mounds candy bars as much as I do, you need to make this Mounds Bar Ice Cream! Made with lots of coconut and dark chocolate, it's a candy lovers' dream!
Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you feel like a candy bar. Sometimes you feel like a bowl of ice cream. Especially when it's 90 degrees out for four consecutive days in a row (FYI not complaining!). OK, but back to one of the most well-known candy bar jingles. You know the one, right?? For Mounds and Almond Joys?? I can't get over the fact that my dear, dear husband has allegedly never heard it before. I sing it ALL the time... "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Almond Joys have nuts, Mounds don't." Perhaps it's simply my totally off-key singing, but I thought everyone had seen those commercials at least a bajillion times. And then had that song stuck in their head for the next billion days. Just me?
I know they do it on purpose to make you start craving Mounds Bars and Almond Joys and the like. And then you start craving them so non-stop that you make your own version in ice cream form. Mounds Bar ice cream. You could obviously also do Almond Joy ice cream, which would be quite delicious, especially with extra almonds added in.
First of all, I should tell you that when our new fridge was delivered, I told Chris that the first thing he had to do was put my ice cream maker in the freezer. He did it. And so, I got to make ice cream for the first time in my new kitchen. You guys, I am so happy right now.
I've had this ice cream on my mind for a long time, so I knew it would be my first new kitchen ice cream. I'm a huge Mounds Bar lover and I don't think there's too much better than the combination of coconut and dark chocolate. I might have actually made this an Almond Joy ice cream (but with dark chocolate!) but for the fact that Chris doesn't love nuts in his desserts. Pssst: he's never showed any excitement about Mounds Bars either, but he has been obsessed with this ice cream.
Not only did I mix a bunch of shredded coconut into this ice cream mixture, but I used coconut milk as part of my base. The full-fat, real coconut milk kind. It was awesome. Next time I might experiment with Silk's coconut milk and see how I can find a good creamy balance with a few less calories. But for now, this is a true indulgence.
Mounds bar ice cream is a pretty standard ice cream and doesn't actually have any Mounds candy bars in it... I recreated the flavor with lots of coconut and dark chocolate. And seriously, it tastes just like a Mounds bar!
I wish I could have found dark chocolate chunks at my grocery store, but instead I used chips. However, please note that the dark chocolate is essential for a real Mounds Bar experience. Milk chocolate just wouldn't be the same!
You don't have to sprinkle toasted coconut on top of the ice cream. It's excessive, really. But I did it. Because when have I ever been afraid of excess? And it added just the perfect sweet touch.
If this Wednesday is leaving you feeling like you need a coconut and dark chocolate fix, check out my recipe for Mounds bar ice cream (I was going to make some sort of joke about a "hump" being like a "mound" and how Wednesday is Mounds Day, but it worked out a lot better in my head than it did in writing... And then I obviously I wrote it anyway. You can ignore me now). Anyway, the ice cream does require a bit of chilling time, so I recommend getting started on it now. Really, I just have your best interests in mind.
Please tell me you know the Mounds/Almond Joy commercials??
If you're looking for more delicious ice cream recipes, check out my Mint Oreo Ice Cream and my Apple Pie Ice Cream.
📖 Recipe
Mounds Bar Ice Cream
- 2 ½ cups heavy cream
- 1 cup coconut milk (full fat)
- ¾ cup granulated sugar
- 5 large egg yolks
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- ¾ cup shredded coconut
- ¾ cup dark chocolate chips
- In a medium saucepan, heat cream, coconut milk, and sugar over medium heat. Stirring constantly, let mixture reach just the point of simmer and remove from heat.
- Lightly whisk egg yolks in a separate bowl.
- Slowly pour about half of the warm cream/milk mixture into the bowl with the yolks, whisking continuously. Then pour egg/coconut milk mixture back into the saucepan with the rest of the milk.
- Continue to cook over low heat, while whisking. When the mixture thickens enough to coat the back of the spoon, after about 5-7 minutes, remove the saucepan from heat.
- Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, at least 5 hours.
- Once mixture is chilled, freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions, mixing in vanilla extract, shredded coconut, and dark chocolate chips when ice cream is almost done processing.
- When ice cream is frozen, remove to airtight containers and put in freezer for at least 4 hours to continue to harden.
- If desired, top ice cream with toasted shredded coconut.
Emily aka The Three Bite Rule says
I always feel like a nut! I'm curious about different milk-ish products for the base. I used some weird mint coffee creamer with the regular cream when making a mint one and was surprised it didn't make it icy.
Maggie @ A Bitchin' Kitchen says
I looove Mounds bars! I must try this ice cream! My boyfriend is a coconut hating weirdo, so more for me 🙂
Megan says
I usually find the dark chocolate chunks at Whole Foods. This ice cream sounds amazing. I am definitely a Mounds fan!
Odetta says
Great idea!! I love coconut so much.
LisaR. says
I LOVE everything coconut from ice cream to cupcakes! Thanks for sharing!
Victoria says
This looks so tasty!! I recently made Almond Joy Scones, haha. I think we're on the same page using candy bar flavor profiles for other things, haha. Will definitely try this out soon 🙂
Claudia says
Well, now you've done it! I'll be singing that commercial all day! That goes way back into my childhood - before you were born! Can I say I love and appreciate the excess? I mean - you're eating ice cream! You have to make it worth the calories! Loving this summery treat.
Jeannie Tay says
Who would be excited with this ice cream! Sounds exotic and dreamy, I would love some now it's so hot even in the morning!
Leah | So, How's It Taste? says
Absolutely know that jingle! It pops in my head all the time. I lean toward Mounds, but when I get a craving I almost always buy both. Why pick one? I've GOT to make this ice cream. Sounds awesome!
Betty says
I do know the commercials! And love the candy bars too! And absolutely sure I'd love this ice cream. 🙂
Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic says
Mounds ice cream sounds insane! I recently made coconut ice cream too and I wish I thought of adding toasted coconut on top!
ATasteOfMadness says
I only knew about mounds because my boyfriend's mom wanted to get some for a graduation card for me. She replaced words with candy (such as "you proved you are no *airhead*, now the *crunch* is on") She wanted to say you did *mounds* of homework, but they don't sell that chocolate bar in Canada. But I might go to the States to get some just to make this ice cream. This looks delicious!
Joanne says
I actually don't think I've ever heard that jingle either! Yikes. But I'm a huge mounds lover, because COCONUT AND DARK CHOCOLATE YES. Want this ice cream in my belly.
Ashley @ QLCC says
I thought that jingle was for something totally different, weird! I like almond joys better, but this sure does look tasty 🙂
Lindsay says
What a great flavor for ice cream!
Carol at Wild Goose Tea says
Mounds and Almond Joy are my favorite candy bar. I think my life as taken a notch up for contentment with the discovery of this recipe. Yum!
Thalia @ butter and brioche says
YUM. could definitely use a couple of scoops right now! love the flavour combination.. thanks for sharing!
Erin | The Law Student's Wife says
I was once caught red-handed stealing an almond joy from a total stranger's desk. No regrets. I love the flavor!